Saturday, 19 September 2009

Vintage Photographic Collection

This is the sort of pad I want to have when I grow up. To me it exudes sophisticated sexiness whilst still being livable. The City Financier's passion is Vintage Photographs - some dating from the 19th Century, that he has hunted and rummaged for in flea markets and more upmarket galleries.

Some of his collection have have been silk screened by Laura Berens into very sexy glamorous cushions and prints.
Vintage photo of Geisha girls has been blown up into a bigger print and simply framed. Love the juxtaposition of the Skull - life, death,art.
Vintage 1950s coffee table found in an Antique fair in Battersea piled with vellum bound books dating from centuries past.

19th century photo of Arab Prince turned into a cushion.


  1. Very nice pad. Old photos are always fascinating to look at. I like what Laura Berens has done, turning these old photos in to cushions, t-shirts and wallhangings is such a great idea. Great website.
    How funny your other half being half belgian too. I don't know Bruxelles that well as my family comes from the Liege area, in a village not far from the Dutch border near Maastricht, still in the French speaking part.
    I still visit relatives there, cousins.
    Have a good weekend

  2. Hi Isabelle..

    Yes I agree - I love Laura's stuff - especially the t-shirts and cushions. So not run of the mill...

    Ahh.. mine is part Flemish. :-)

    Mr J

  3. How gorgeous with all the vintage photos!
